Jun 26, 2019
Director Q, aka Omid aka Qashus is an unreasonable guy, but that's just the way we like him. Unreasonable leads to innovation.
Q has been part of our team for about one year and since he started we have come a long way. From videos to podcasts, we have been able to learn and evolve. That's what this episode is...
Jun 19, 2019
Create lots of content, capitalize on day-to-day and speed to market... Put those three things together.
Mitch Cammidge and JV discuss video, twitch, twitter, mistakes business owners make, and more related to the do's and don'ts of marketing.
Alberta is made up of small businesses, and without video on social, they...
Jun 12, 2019
Kyra Sklar is a university student in Edmonton, Alberta that is taking full advantage of the post-secondary experience.
Her and JV talked about being in clubs, networking, and meeting as many people as possible during the years in school... because JV did not do any of that.
P.S JV forgot to ask about the quote for this...
Jun 5, 2019
Turn $20 into $50 with magic... kind of... JV might be out $15...
Fantastic chat with Sheldon Casavant, a Canadian Magician who has travelled around the world doing shows. As he says it, "Magic is a universal language" which helped to perform in countries where the magic could take over from spoken words on...